7 Unknown Benefits of Invisalign | Pradham Dental, Hyderabad


Invisalign is the best choice for patients, who want to straighten their teeth. It provides many benefits over traditional braces, such as comfort and discreteness.

But did you know that Invisalign can also provide some unexpected benefits?Well, in this blog post, we will discuss 7 unknown benefits of Invisalign.

Keep reading to know more!

7 Unknown Benefits of Invisalign:

Invisalign Treatment Improves Your Oral Health Invisalign helps to improve your oral health. Because Invisalign aligners are made of smooth medical-grade plastic, which reduces the amount of bacteria and plaque.

In addition, Invisalign aligners can be removed for brushing and eating, so you can be sure that your teeth are getting a thorough cleaning.

Invisalign Improves Your Digestion Invisalign helps to improve your digestion. If you ask us how? Well, this is because Invisalign allows you to chew food properly. As a result, it breaks down more easily in your stomach, making it very easy for you to digest.

Invisalign Does Not Stain Your Teeth Invisalign aligners are made of plastic, which means that it will not stain your teeth like traditional braces can. This is a primary advantage for patients, who are looking to straighten crooked teeth.

Invisalign Helps You Avoid TMJ Disorders TMJ disorders are caused by the jaw joint problems, and can cause pain in the neck, jaw, and shoulders. In some other cases, TMJ disorders can even lead to severe headaches. Luckily, Invisalign can help you avoid the disorders by aligning your jaw joint properly.

Invisalign Requires Fewer Trips Than Metal Braces Invisalign clear aligners need to be replaced every 2-3 weeks, which means that you need less visits to the dentist. This is another primary advantage for patients, who are looking for a convenient way to straighten their teeth.

Metal Braces require a lot of maintenance, and regular visits to the dentist. However, Invisalign trays do not require any readjustment or tightening.

Invisalign is Gentle Than Metal Braces Invisalign is also more gentle on your gums and teeth than metal braces. This is because Invisalign clear aligners are made of very smooth medical-grade plastic, which does not irritate your gums like metal brackets can.

Prevent Future Problems Invisalign protects your teeth and prevents future oral issues. This treatment is exceptionally useful if you succumb to dental issues often.

Fewer Dental Visits Your clear aligners can be completely customized to your tooth structure. This ensures that you get the desired outcome you want and you can feel more confident in your appearance.

This is one of the best reasons to choose Invisalign because you will not need to visit your dentist to have them tightened or adjusted.


If you are looking for a convenient and comfortable way to straighten your misaligned teeth, Invisalign may be the perfect dental treatment for you. Feel free to give us a call, and let us bring out your best and most beautiful smile in no time.